THE NEANDERTHAL DNA; myth or reality?

“The only original people without the Neanderthal DNA are the Sub Saharan Africans, mainly the Negro, all other human species have a significant Neanderthal blood” said a doctor in a lecture at Cambridge campus; Harvard University. Clearly, the scientific Neanderthals are also the biblical first hybrids between the watchers and the daughters of men, it is said that for many years these hybrids could not survive the sunlight, they could not survive nature, that they would hide in caves eating raw animal and human meats, most of them died out as the natural conditions here on earth were not accommodative to their kind, the period from which they appeared on earth and all the time they were in caves is what we knew historically as the European “Dark Ages”. Science believes that it is only after they had significantly interbreed with humanity that they gained human genetic resistance and strength and became adaptable to earth and finally come out of the Caucasoid mountains. These Neanderthal were not Homo Sapiens nor were they related to them, they were a completely different kinds of being, they were much more savages and aggressive than humans, and the day they successfully come out of their caves, humanity and everything belonging to earth have suffered centuries of destruction, and the Charles Darwin theory about humanity evolving from Apes has nothing to do with original humans (Sub Saharan Africans), whether intentionally or unintentionally, Darwin was exposing his Neanderthal bloodline whom the Bible also refers to as the Beast.

A surprising number of people, do not understand that Museum Art, Movies, and Television, reflect what is called “Artistic license” (also known as dramatic license, historical license, poetic license, narrative license, licentia poetica, or simply license), it is a colloquial term, or euphemism, used to denote the distortion of fact. The white man has gone to an extend of creating a platform fully based on lies, he has managed to institutionalise the lie and reverse the truth, he’s built his legacy on nothing but lies, all so that he can hide his true identity, through the school system, many people have been programmed to believe that humans evolved from Apes, i remember i used to go in the forest in hope to spot an Ape in the process of evolving, each time i was disappointed, and i always asked myself, if truly we evolved from Apes, when will Apes evolve into black people again, and when are black people going to evolve into white people, and what will become of white people, the evolution theory traumatised many black people’s childhood, and many more are still affected by it today. Disappointing enough, many educated black people teach this to their children, telling them that a white man is an evolved black man, not realising that what they are instilling in their children is that a white man is superior to a black man, that a black man is the closest thing to an Ape, which history has clearly proven to be the opposite, what a shame.

Scientists say that only a black woman has the Eve gene; only a black couple (male and female) can give birth to all black skin complexions, the sister in the image above is a proud black woman with her royal woolly hair and her gorgeous facial features, she’s not white, but black because both her parents are black people, her lack of melanin is due to a condition we all know as Albinism, albinism is a defect in one of several genes that produce or distribute melanin, the defect may result in the absence of melanin production, or a reduced amount of melanin production. It is yet important to note that her children will most likely be black with full melanin, even children of melanated people suffering from Vitiligo skin disease can and continue to have fully melanated children, even the ones who have fully transformed, but this interesting fact can’t be said about the Caucasian race, and that’s because they are not originally humans but hybrids thereof. Today, black people are copying them due to lack of knowledge of self and knowledge of their surrounding, the result of 400 years of indoctrination, what most people don’t know is that it is one of the many forms of idol worship, the book of revelation 12 says Satan successfully deceived the and made them the , and because Satan wants to be like the Most High he therefore himself into an angel of light (1 Corinthians 11:14, Isaiah 14:14) he also all the original people; including celestial beings as himself (1 Maccabees 3:48), a few religions duplicating the truth (John 5:43) and conditioned black people; the original and naturally beautiful humans, to bleach their melanin out and covering their hair with dead people’s hair only , bowing to the without themselves knowing.

The indigenous population of the entire world were indeed black people, most still are negroid to this very day, the photo above was published by The Guardians and many other mainstream newspapers regarding the fact that the original inhabitants of both Britain and all of Europe were indeed black people. Both science and history admit; each their own way, that the indigenous population of the entire world are black people, they are backed up by the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilees, growing up black, there were too many questions about everything, because my blackness was regarded as a myth, as if i didn’t exist before slavery, but as i gained more knowledge, i realised my history was told in reverse by those who won the war, today the origin of the Caucasians became a myth, some say he’s an albino lacking pigmentation, some say the weather conditions turned his skin pale with blue/green eyes and straight hair, some say he’s the progenitor of the RH negative, and the rest says he’s the fallen angel. The first three assumptions are all false and irrelevant because albinos still have black children, weather conditions might affect one’s skin color but their offspring would still look black, and last black people have Rh negative too and almost 80% of Caucasians don’t have Rh negative either and making this a point gives the 80% a free pass to become indigenous, DNA and blood groups are two completely different things, the Rh negative is simply a makeup of two parents passing both an O and an Rh negative to the baby resulting in an O negative child, each of their kids will have around a 1 in 8 chance of having O negative blood, this is possible because both O and Rh- are something called recessive traits, and even Sub Saharan black people have them too, that leaves us with the last, the descendants of the fallen angels.

From an article about racial origins of Adam and Eve

Emotions aside, “We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness”, John 3:11. According to science, the Neanderthal bloodline is in every humans in the world except Sub Saharan Africans, and it is said to have originated from the north (Europe), according to Jubilees 8:29-30 Japheth inherited the north and all the large islands, Isaiah 14:13 says Satan and his fallen occupied the same north land as well, that would explain why Jubilees 10:1-2 and Genesis 6:4 says that the seed of the fallen interbred with the daughters of men again after the flood, most likely Japheth seed as he dwelled in the Northern part of the earth, the same place Satan and his demons were sent too as per Isaiah 14:13 kjv, this is backed up with the current study showing the presence of the Neanderthal DNA in Europe, Asia, America, Australia and Northern Africa and why the modern people living in those areas look nothing like Sub Saharan Africans and nothing like the indigenous people, that’s because they are all breeds of the fallen seed, this is why they deducted almost 14 books from the Bible, every books exposing them was removed, Enoch says their descendants have a body of a man and the spirit of their fathers, which is why they were savage enough to go all around the world and destroy the indigenous people, nature and animals, and breed with them to gain melanin (power) and assume their identities.

The Bible says the Most High created man in his own image and his own likeness, that he used fertile mud soil and his own breath of life to make them, the perfect genome is the so called Sub Saharan black man and Woman, they are the only people who are not mixed with anything outside humanity, Bantu are the pure blood, they are the likeness of the Creator of everything, and contrary to what you see on tv, the indigenous population of the entire world are black, the Bible also clarifies that whiteness of skin is a form of a curse as per (Leviticus 13:5-6, Numbers 12 and 2 Kings 5) except for albinism, and since Satan and his fallen angels were cast out from heaven, their melanin was stripped of them, this explains why the book of Enoch identifies their descendants as white, not albinos, because Satan and his angels were originally black and only became pale because of his cursed. Since then, Satan and his offspring have dedicated their lives to wage wars against the Bantu and all original people in general, we have witnessed animals going ixtinct, the human blood has been shade than ever before, the pollution of air, water and soil, the Caucasian race has destroyed everything the Most High created and continue to do so and it is up to the original people to bring back order and natural Balance, but for them to do so they have to remain conscious of who they are, they have unlearn all the lies told to them from childhood, they also have to be willing to take any means necessary to save humanity.

All indigenous humans descend from Adam and Eve, Adam is the scientific E-M96 haplogroup, Noah; being a tenth generation from Adam is the scientific E1b1 paplogroup, the scientific E1b1a is the genetic marker of all the descendants of Shem (so called Niger-Congo), E1b1b is the genetic marker of all the descendants of Ham; Khem (Nilotes), and E1b1c is the genetic marker of the descendants of Japheth (other indigenous population of the rest of the world). Esau was indeed a pure hairy black man, the Bible clearly says that Esau’s seed is spoiled because he married heathen (non-Hebraic) indigenous black women Genesis 36:2 but also because he had joined the council of the fallen seed (Herod), most of the original descendants of Ham, Shem are all in Africa today, even the remnants of original Esau are here, as hairy and Rudy as they are, you can still find them in West Africa, they look like us, black people like the original population (Akan, Idoma and Edo). The remains of the original remnants of Japheth are still in the land of North; Eurasia and the 5 great islands as mentioned in Jubilees, all Hebrews are black in Sub Saharan Africa, and all 12 tribes of the Israelites are Bantu in Sub Saharan Africa and scattered abroad, the rest of the 6 Negroid sons of Abraham (Hebrews) are still in West Africa to this very day, this revelation should destroy the so called 12 tribes charts rooted in deception, calling strangers brothers and brothers strangers, and allowing the elect to continue breeding themselves out with the seed of the fallen and with other heathen nations as forbidden in Genesis 28:1-2, Tobit 4:12 and Leviticus 19:19.

It is important to note that all indigenous population of the world are black people and are all still oppressed to this very day, but none like what the Bantu have experienced, because the Bantu beyond the rivers of Cush and scattered throughout the world are culturally, linguistically, historically and genetically the blood descendants of the biblical Israelites, you know who you are, awake and rise, it’s time. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

The Neanderthals Rediscovered: How Modern Science is Rewriting Their Story by Di

Decoding Neanderthals

When We Met Neanderthals by Bockoven, Neil

Savage Sword of Conan #34 p.6 Conan vs. Neanderthals 1978 by Carmine Infantino

Published by bantubiblicalisraelites

All Bantu in Sub-Saharan Africa(Promised Land), in the Americas (Land of oppression), and scattered else where, are historically, scientifically, culturally and biblically the true Israelites

5 thoughts on “THE NEANDERTHAL DNA; myth or reality?

    1. Todah rabah for the thorough research. This information needs to get out to our people (Bantu) so they can come out of the clutches of our enemy. We need a great awakening from the lies that have been perpetuated for to long, all praises to the Most High YAH!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Wow I guess I have always known the truth even though I never seen it written down like this. I love your Facebook page it is very educational and eye opening.I thank you very much for the information I have been receiving here. I would also like to get the copies of the 14books that they are hiding from us if that’s possible. Again thank you very much.

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